
Przekraczaj Granice Możliwości z Chat GPT 4.0 Plus i Chat GPT Team – Twój Klucz do Sukcesu!

Witaj w świecie, gdzie Twoje możliwości są nieograniczone! W naszym kursie odkryjesz tajniki i pełen potencjał Chat GPT 4.0 Plus oraz Chat GPT Team. Niezależnie od tego, czy szukasz sposobów na optymalizację pracy, rozwój biznesu, czy ulepszenie codziennych zadań, to szkolenie otworzy przed Tobą nowe horyzonty.

Chat GPT Plus: Chat GPT Plus to zaawansowana, płatna wersja standardowego modelu Chat GPT oferowana przez OpenAI. Zazwyczaj zapewnia użytkownikom szereg ulepszeń w stosunku do darmowej wersji, takich jak szybsze czasy odpowiedzi, priorytetowy dostęp nawet podczas dużego obciążenia serwerów i dostęp do najnowszych aktualizacji oraz funkcji. Chat GPT Plus jest skierowany głównie do indywidualnych użytkowników, którzy szukają bardziej wydajnej i zaawansowanej wersji narzędzia.

Chat GPT Team: Chat GPT Team to wariant Chat GPT zaprojektowany specjalnie z myślą o zespołach i organizacjach. Ta wersja oferuje funkcje dostosowane do potrzeb korporacyjnych, takie jak możliwość współdzielenia, zarządzanie wieloma użytkownikami, zaawansowane opcje konfiguracji i integracji z istniejącymi systemami korporacyjnymi. Chat GPT Team jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla firm i organizacji, które chcą wykorzystać możliwości sztucznej inteligencji do optymalizacji pracy zespołowej, automatyzacji procesów biznesowych i innowacji.

Co znajdziesz w kursie?

  • Zrozumienie Potęgi Chat GPT 4.0 Plus: Dowiesz się, jak wykorzystać najnowsze funkcje tej zaawansowanej technologii do generowania kreatywnych treści, automatyzacji zadań i znacznie więcej.

  • Najnowsze Trendy w AI: Bądź na bieżąco z ewolucją technologii – jak tylko pojawi się nowa wersja, będziesz pierwszy, który o niej usłyszy!

  • Rozwój Osobisty i Zawodowy: Odkryj, jak Chat GPT 4.0 może wspierać Twój rozwój, pomagając w osiągnięciu osobistych i zawodowych celów.

  • Praktyczne Porady: Nauczysz się, jak prawidłowo korzystać z Chat GPT 4.0, respektując prawa autorskie i etykę cyfrową.

Nasz kurs to mieszanka teorii i praktyki: Przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebie intuicyjne, angażujące materiały szkoleniowe, które sprawią, że nauka stanie się Twoją pasją.

Dla kogo jest ten kurs? Nasz kurs jest idealny dla wszystkich – od początkujących po zaawansowanych. Nie wymagamy wcześniejszego doświadczenia w AI. Jeśli jesteś nowy w tej dziedzinie, zapraszamy również na nasz wstępny kurs "Zostań Mistrzem AI: ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, Midjourney w Akcji!", który przygotuje Cię do pełnego wykorzystania potencjału Chat GPT Plus i Team.

Podejmij wyzwanie i dołącz do nas! Z Chat GPT Plus i Team odkryjesz, jak technologia może stać się Twoim największym sojusznikiem w dążeniu do sukcesu, zarówno w pracy, jak i w życiu codziennym.

Nie czekaj! Zacznij swoją podróż ku przyszłości już dziś!

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AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Solution Practice Exam is a comprehensive and detailed resource designed to help individuals prepare for the Microsoft Azure AI Solution certification exam. This practice exam is specifically tailored to cover all the essential topics and skills required to successfully pass the exam and become a certified Azure AI Solution professional.

This practice exam provides a realistic simulation of the actual certification exam, allowing candidates to familiarize themselves with the format, structure, and types of questions they can expect to encounter. It includes a wide range of questions that assess the candidate's knowledge and understanding of various AI concepts, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more.

AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Solution Practice Exam offers a comprehensive learning experience, providing detailed explanations and references for each question. This allows candidates to not only assess their knowledge but also learn from their mistakes and strengthen their understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, the practice exam includes timed sections to help candidates improve their time management skills and simulate the pressure of the actual exam environment. With this resource, individuals can confidently prepare for the Microsoft Azure AI Solution certification exam and enhance their career prospects in the field of AI and cloud computing.

Microsoft Azure AI Solution Exam Summary:

  • Exam Name : Microsoft Azure AI Solution

  • Exam Code : AI-102

  • Exam Price : 165 (USD)

  • Number of Questions: Maximum of 40-60 questions,

  • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based,

  • Length of Test: 130 Minutes. The exam is available in English and Japanese languages.

  • Passing Score: 700 / 1000

  • Languages : English at launch. Japanese

  • Schedule Exam : Pearson VUE

Microsoft AI-102 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Plan and manage an Azure AI solution (25–30%)

Select the appropriate Azure AI service

  • Select the appropriate service for a vision solution

  • Select the appropriate service for a language analysis solution

  • Select the appropriate service for a decision support solution

  • Select the appropriate service for a speech solution

  • Select the appropriate Applied AI services

Plan and configure security for Azure AI services

  • Manage account keys

  • Manage authentication for a resource

  • Secure services by using Azure Virtual Networks

  • Plan for a solution that meets Responsible AI principles

Create and manage an Azure AI service

  • Create an Azure AI resource

  • Configure diagnostic logging

  • Manage costs for Azure AI services

  • Monitor an Azure AI resource

Deploy Azure AI services

  • Determine a default endpoint for a service

  • Create a resource by using the Azure portal

  • Integrate Azure AI services into a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline

  • Plan a container deployment

  • Implement prebuilt containers in a connected environment

Create solutions to detect anomalies and improve content

  • Create a solution that uses Anomaly Detector, part of Cognitive Services

  • Create a solution that uses Azure Content Moderator, part of Cognitive Services

  • Create a solution that uses Personalizer, part of Cognitive Services

  • Create a solution that uses Azure Metrics Advisor, part of Azure Applied AI Services

  • Create a solution that uses Azure Immersive Reader, part of Azure Applied AI Services

Implement image and video processing solutions (15–20%)

Analyze images

  • Select appropriate visual features to meet image processing requirements

  • Create an image processing request to include appropriate image analysis features

  • Interpret image processing responses

Extract text from images

  • Extract text from images or PDFs by using the Computer Vision service

  • Convert handwritten text by using the Computer Vision service

  • Extract information using prebuilt models in Azure Form Recognizer

  • Build and optimize a custom model for Azure Form Recognizer

Implement image classification and object detection by using the Custom Vision service, part of Azure Cognitive Services

  • Choose between image classification and object detection models

  • Specify model configuration options, including category, version, and compact

  • Label images

  • Train custom image models, including classifiers and detectors

  • Manage training iterations

  • Evaluate model metrics

  • Publish a trained iteration of a model

  • Export a model to run on a specific target

  • Implement a Custom Vision model as a Docker container

  • Interpret model responses

Process videos

  • Process a video by using Azure Video Indexer

  • Extract insights from a video or live stream by using Azure Video Indexer

  • Implement content moderation by using Azure Video Indexer

  • Integrate a custom language model into Azure Video Indexer

Implement natural language processing solutions (25–30%)

Analyze text

  • Retrieve and process key phrases

  • Retrieve and process entities

  • Retrieve and process sentiment

  • Detect the language used in text

  • Detect personally identifiable information (PII)

Process speech

  • Implement and customize text-to-speech

  • Implement and customize speech-to-text

  • Improve text-to-speech by using SSML and Custom Neural Voice

  • Improve speech-to-text by using phrase lists and Custom Speech

  • Implement intent recognition

  • Implement keyword recognition

Translate language

  • Translate text and documents by using the Translator service

  • Implement custom translation, including training, improving, and publishing a custom model

  • Translate speech-to-speech by using the Speech service

  • Translate speech-to-text by using the Speech service

  • Translate to multiple languages simultaneously

Build and manage a language understanding model

  • Create intents and add utterances

  • Create entities

  • Train evaluate, deploy, and test a language understanding model

  • Optimize a Language Understanding (LUIS) model

  • Integrate multiple language service models by using Orchestrator

  • Import and export language understanding models

Create a question answering solution

  • Create a question answering project

  • Add question-and-answer pairs manually

  • Import sources

  • Train and test a knowledge base

  • Publish a knowledge base

  • Create a multi-turn conversation

  • Add alternate phrasing

  • Add chit-chat to a knowledge base

  • Export a knowledge base

  • Create a multi-language question answering solution

  • Create a multi-domain question answering solution

  • Use metadata for question-and-answer pairs

Implement knowledge mining solutions (5–10%)

Implement a Cognitive Search solution

  • Provision a Cognitive Search resource

  • Create data sources

  • Define an index

  • Create and run an indexer

  • Query an index, including syntax, sorting, filtering, and wildcards

  • Manage knowledge store projections, including file, object, and table projections

Apply AI enrichment skills to an indexer pipeline

  • Attach a Cognitive Services account to a skillset

  • Select and include built-in skills for documents

  • Implement custom skills and include them in a skillset

  • Implement incremental enrichment

Implement conversational AI solutions (15–20%)

Design and implement conversation flow

  • Design conversational logic for a bot

  • Choose appropriate activity handlers, dialogs or topics, triggers, and state handling for a bot

Build a conversational bot

  • Create a bot from a template

  • Create a bot from scratch

  • Implement activity handlers, dialogs or topics, and triggers

  • Implement channel-specific logic

  • Implement Adaptive Cards

  • Implement multi-language support in a bot

  • Implement multi-step conversations

  • Manage state for a bot

  • Integrate Cognitive Services into a bot, including question answering, language understanding,

  • and Speech service

Test, publish, and maintain a conversational bot

  • Test a bot using the Bot Framework Emulator or the Power Virtual Agents web app

  • Test a bot in a channel-specific environment

  • Troubleshoot a conversational bot

  • Deploy bot logic

AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Solution is a powerful and comprehensive platform that enables businesses to leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence. With its seamless integration with Microsoft Azure, businesses can harness the scalability, reliability, and security of the cloud to build, deploy, and manage AI applications. Whether it's leveraging pre-built AI models or creating custom solutions, this solution offers a wide range of features and functionalities to cater to various AI use cases.

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AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Solution Practice Exam is a comprehensive and detailed resource designed to help individuals prepare for the Microsoft Azure AI Solution certification exam. This practice exam is specifically tailored to cover all the essential topics and skills required to successfully pass the exam and become a certified Azure AI Solution professional.

This practice exam provides a realistic simulation of the actual certification exam, allowing candidates to familiarize themselves with the format, structure, and types of questions they can expect to encounter. It includes a wide range of questions that assess the candidate's knowledge and understanding of various AI concepts, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more.

AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Solution Practice Exam offers a comprehensive learning experience, providing detailed explanations and references for each question. This allows candidates to not only assess their knowledge but also learn from their mistakes and strengthen their understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, the practice exam includes timed sections to help candidates improve their time management skills and simulate the pressure of the actual exam environment. With this resource, individuals can confidently prepare for the Microsoft Azure AI Solution certification exam and enhance their career prospects in the field of AI and cloud computing.

Microsoft Azure AI Solution Exam Summary:

  • Exam Name : Microsoft Azure AI Solution

  • Exam Code : AI-102

  • Exam Price : 165 (USD)

  • Number of Questions: Maximum of 40-60 questions,

  • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based,

  • Length of Test: 130 Minutes. The exam is available in English and Japanese languages.

  • Passing Score: 700 / 1000

  • Languages : English at launch. Japanese

  • Schedule Exam : Pearson VUE

Microsoft AI-102 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Plan and manage an Azure AI solution (25–30%)

Select the appropriate Azure AI service

  • Select the appropriate service for a vision solution

  • Select the appropriate service for a language analysis solution

  • Select the appropriate service for a decision support solution

  • Select the appropriate service for a speech solution

  • Select the appropriate Applied AI services

Plan and configure security for Azure AI services

  • Manage account keys

  • Manage authentication for a resource

  • Secure services by using Azure Virtual Networks

  • Plan for a solution that meets Responsible AI principles

Create and manage an Azure AI service

  • Create an Azure AI resource

  • Configure diagnostic logging

  • Manage costs for Azure AI services

  • Monitor an Azure AI resource

Deploy Azure AI services

  • Determine a default endpoint for a service

  • Create a resource by using the Azure portal

  • Integrate Azure AI services into a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline

  • Plan a container deployment

  • Implement prebuilt containers in a connected environment

Create solutions to detect anomalies and improve content

  • Create a solution that uses Anomaly Detector, part of Cognitive Services

  • Create a solution that uses Azure Content Moderator, part of Cognitive Services

  • Create a solution that uses Personalizer, part of Cognitive Services

  • Create a solution that uses Azure Metrics Advisor, part of Azure Applied AI Services

  • Create a solution that uses Azure Immersive Reader, part of Azure Applied AI Services

Implement image and video processing solutions (15–20%)

Analyze images

  • Select appropriate visual features to meet image processing requirements

  • Create an image processing request to include appropriate image analysis features

  • Interpret image processing responses

Extract text from images

  • Extract text from images or PDFs by using the Computer Vision service

  • Convert handwritten text by using the Computer Vision service

  • Extract information using prebuilt models in Azure Form Recognizer

  • Build and optimize a custom model for Azure Form Recognizer

Implement image classification and object detection by using the Custom Vision service, part of Azure Cognitive Services

  • Choose between image classification and object detection models

  • Specify model configuration options, including category, version, and compact

  • Label images

  • Train custom image models, including classifiers and detectors

  • Manage training iterations

  • Evaluate model metrics

  • Publish a trained iteration of a model

  • Export a model to run on a specific target

  • Implement a Custom Vision model as a Docker container

  • Interpret model responses

Process videos

  • Process a video by using Azure Video Indexer

  • Extract insights from a video or live stream by using Azure Video Indexer

  • Implement content moderation by using Azure Video Indexer

  • Integrate a custom language model into Azure Video Indexer

Implement natural language processing solutions (25–30%)

Analyze text

  • Retrieve and process key phrases

  • Retrieve and process entities

  • Retrieve and process sentiment

  • Detect the language used in text

  • Detect personally identifiable information (PII)

Process speech

  • Implement and customize text-to-speech

  • Implement and customize speech-to-text

  • Improve text-to-speech by using SSML and Custom Neural Voice

  • Improve speech-to-text by using phrase lists and Custom Speech

  • Implement intent recognition

  • Implement keyword recognition

Translate language

  • Translate text and documents by using the Translator service

  • Implement custom translation, including training, improving, and publishing a custom model

  • Translate speech-to-speech by using the Speech service

  • Translate speech-to-text by using the Speech service

  • Translate to multiple languages simultaneously

Build and manage a language understanding model

  • Create intents and add utterances

  • Create entities

  • Train evaluate, deploy, and test a language understanding model

  • Optimize a Language Understanding (LUIS) model

  • Integrate multiple language service models by using Orchestrator

  • Import and export language understanding models

Create a question answering solution

  • Create a question answering project

  • Add question-and-answer pairs manually

  • Import sources

  • Train and test a knowledge base

  • Publish a knowledge base

  • Create a multi-turn conversation

  • Add alternate phrasing

  • Add chit-chat to a knowledge base

  • Export a knowledge base

  • Create a multi-language question answering solution

  • Create a multi-domain question answering solution

  • Use metadata for question-and-answer pairs

Implement knowledge mining solutions (5–10%)

Implement a Cognitive Search solution

  • Provision a Cognitive Search resource

  • Create data sources

  • Define an index

  • Create and run an indexer

  • Query an index, including syntax, sorting, filtering, and wildcards

  • Manage knowledge store projections, including file, object, and table projections

Apply AI enrichment skills to an indexer pipeline

  • Attach a Cognitive Services account to a skillset

  • Select and include built-in skills for documents

  • Implement custom skills and include them in a skillset

  • Implement incremental enrichment

Implement conversational AI solutions (15–20%)

Design and implement conversation flow

  • Design conversational logic for a bot

  • Choose appropriate activity handlers, dialogs or topics, triggers, and state handling for a bot

Build a conversational bot

  • Create a bot from a template

  • Create a bot from scratch

  • Implement activity handlers, dialogs or topics, and triggers

  • Implement channel-specific logic

  • Implement Adaptive Cards

  • Implement multi-language support in a bot

  • Implement multi-step conversations

  • Manage state for a bot

  • Integrate Cognitive Services into a bot, including question answering, language understanding,

  • and Speech service

Test, publish, and maintain a conversational bot

  • Test a bot using the Bot Framework Emulator or the Power Virtual Agents web app

  • Test a bot in a channel-specific environment

  • Troubleshoot a conversational bot

  • Deploy bot logic

AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Solution is a powerful and comprehensive platform that enables businesses to leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence. With its seamless integration with Microsoft Azure, businesses can harness the scalability, reliability, and security of the cloud to build, deploy, and manage AI applications. Whether it's leveraging pre-built AI models or creating custom solutions, this solution offers a wide range of features and functionalities to cater to various AI use cases.

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Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Microsoft PowerApps with my comprehensive course designed to empower you with the skills to create custom business applications effortlessly. This course is a hands-on, step-by-step guide that demystifies the intricacies of PowerApps, enabling you to craft tailored solutions that enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or a business user looking to harness the potential of low-code development, this course is your gateway to unleashing the full capabilities of PowerApps. We start with the fundamentals, providing a solid foundation in understanding the Power Platform, data connections, and app design principles. From there, we delve into advanced topics, including building responsive apps, integrating with data connectors, and leveraging Power Automate for seamless automation.

Key Features:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything from the basics to advanced features, ensuring you acquire a holistic understanding of PowerApps.

  2. Hands-On Projects: Apply your knowledge through practical projects, creating real-world applications that resonate with your business needs.

  3. Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to course materials, updates, and a vibrant community, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your skills whenever you need.

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to design, deploy, and manage custom applications tailored to your organization's unique requirements. Join me on this empowering journey and become a proficient PowerApps developer, ready to revolutionize the way you approach business challenges. Enroll now and unlock the potential of Microsoft PowerApps!

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Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Microsoft PowerApps with my comprehensive course designed to empower you with the skills to create custom business applications effortlessly. This course is a hands-on, step-by-step guide that demystifies the intricacies of PowerApps, enabling you to craft tailored solutions that enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or a business user looking to harness the potential of low-code development, this course is your gateway to unleashing the full capabilities of PowerApps. We start with the fundamentals, providing a solid foundation in understanding the Power Platform, data connections, and app design principles. From there, we delve into advanced topics, including building responsive apps, integrating with data connectors, and leveraging Power Automate for seamless automation.

Key Features:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything from the basics to advanced features, ensuring you acquire a holistic understanding of PowerApps.

  2. Hands-On Projects: Apply your knowledge through practical projects, creating real-world applications that resonate with your business needs.

  3. Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to course materials, updates, and a vibrant community, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your skills whenever you need.

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to design, deploy, and manage custom applications tailored to your organization's unique requirements. Join me on this empowering journey and become a proficient PowerApps developer, ready to revolutionize the way you approach business challenges. Enroll now and unlock the potential of Microsoft PowerApps!

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Throughout this course, participants will embark on a journey through the capabilities, functionalities, and practical applications of both ChatGPT and Midjourney. The curriculum is crafted to cater to both beginners and advanced users, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these tools.

Key components of the course include:

  1. Introduction to AI and its impact on contemporary digital landscapes.

  2. In-depth exploration of ChatGPT's mechanics, including its language processing capabilities and diverse applications.

  3. Hands-on sessions with Midjourney, focusing on creating intricate visual content from textual prompts.

  4. Ethical considerations and best practices in AI utilization.

  5. Real-world case studies demonstrating the transformative effects of these technologies in various sectors.

By the end of this course, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate ChatGPT and Midjourney into their professional and creative endeavors, unlocking new opportunities in the AI-driven world.

In real life, the skills acquired from this course will have multifaceted applications. For instance, writers, marketers, and content creators can leverage ChatGPT to generate ideas, draft articles, or create engaging digital content, significantly reducing their workload and enhancing creativity. Customer service representatives can use ChatGPT to provide prompt, accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Designers and artists can use Midjourney to visually conceptualize ideas, creating artworks or designs that might be challenging to articulate or realize manually. This tool is particularly valuable for rapid prototyping in industries like advertising, where visual communication is key.

Educators and students can utilize these tools for research, generating educational content, or enhancing learning materials with bespoke visuals. Entrepreneurs and innovators can harness these AI tools to brainstorm new product ideas or business solutions, using generated text and images to pitch concepts more effectively.

Overall, the practical application of ChatGPT and Midjourney will revolutionize how professionals across various fields approach problem-solving, creativity, and communication, making processes more efficient and expanding the realm of possibilities.

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Throughout this course, participants will embark on a journey through the capabilities, functionalities, and practical applications of both ChatGPT and Midjourney. The curriculum is crafted to cater to both beginners and advanced users, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these tools.

Key components of the course include:

  1. Introduction to AI and its impact on contemporary digital landscapes.

  2. In-depth exploration of ChatGPT's mechanics, including its language processing capabilities and diverse applications.

  3. Hands-on sessions with Midjourney, focusing on creating intricate visual content from textual prompts.

  4. Ethical considerations and best practices in AI utilization.

  5. Real-world case studies demonstrating the transformative effects of these technologies in various sectors.

By the end of this course, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate ChatGPT and Midjourney into their professional and creative endeavors, unlocking new opportunities in the AI-driven world.

In real life, the skills acquired from this course will have multifaceted applications. For instance, writers, marketers, and content creators can leverage ChatGPT to generate ideas, draft articles, or create engaging digital content, significantly reducing their workload and enhancing creativity. Customer service representatives can use ChatGPT to provide prompt, accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Designers and artists can use Midjourney to visually conceptualize ideas, creating artworks or designs that might be challenging to articulate or realize manually. This tool is particularly valuable for rapid prototyping in industries like advertising, where visual communication is key.

Educators and students can utilize these tools for research, generating educational content, or enhancing learning materials with bespoke visuals. Entrepreneurs and innovators can harness these AI tools to brainstorm new product ideas or business solutions, using generated text and images to pitch concepts more effectively.

Overall, the practical application of ChatGPT and Midjourney will revolutionize how professionals across various fields approach problem-solving, creativity, and communication, making processes more efficient and expanding the realm of possibilities.


Build and deploy a LLM-based chatbot to answer questions using your private dataset!

To build, we will use Anthropic’s Claude 2 LLM on Amazon Bedrock and Langchain, with RAG implementation. I’ll also show you the code for using other LLMs (OpenAI’s ChatGPT, GPT-4, etc.), in place of Claude 2, as well as other embedding models in place of Amazon Titan Text Embeddings. To deploy, we will use Gradio.

This is an end to end build of a chatbot solution that can be used within your organization. Use this Generative AI solution to improve things across your organization like; enhance customer support, streamline information retrieval, aid in the training and onboarding of new employees, promote data-driven decision making, customize insights for clients and customers, and enable efficient knowledge sharing.

I also cover programmatic audio/ video transcription within the data collection step. This can be applied to other use cases within your organization, outside of the chatbot. E.g. transcribe audio/video content to build content recommendation models, etc.

This course is best for those with mid to senior level Python and Data Science understanding. For more beginner levels, feel free to dive in and ask questions along the way.  Hopefully you all enjoy this course and have fun with this project!


Build and deploy a LLM-based chatbot to answer questions using your private dataset!

To build, we will use Anthropic’s Claude 2 LLM on Amazon Bedrock and Langchain, with RAG implementation. I’ll also show you the code for using other LLMs (OpenAI’s ChatGPT, GPT-4, etc.), in place of Claude 2, as well as other embedding models in place of Amazon Titan Text Embeddings. To deploy, we will use Gradio.

This is an end to end build of a chatbot solution that can be used within your organization. Use this Generative AI solution to improve things across your organization like; enhance customer support, streamline information retrieval, aid in the training and onboarding of new employees, promote data-driven decision making, customize insights for clients and customers, and enable efficient knowledge sharing.

I also cover programmatic audio/ video transcription within the data collection step. This can be applied to other use cases within your organization, outside of the chatbot. E.g. transcribe audio/video content to build content recommendation models, etc.

This course is best for those with mid to senior level Python and Data Science understanding. For more beginner levels, feel free to dive in and ask questions along the way.  Hopefully you all enjoy this course and have fun with this project!

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Unlock the power of Azure AI with our comprehensive course designed explicitly for aspiring Azure AI Engineer Associates aiming to conquer the AI-102 Exam. Delve into a dynamic learning journey that navigates through the intricacies of Azure's AI services, preparing you meticulously for the certification.

What You'll Master:

Explore Azure AI Landscape: Dive deep into Azure's suite of AI services, including cognitive search, document intelligence, OpenAI integration, and more. Gain hands-on experience navigating these tools to analyze text, images, and videos effectively.

Optimize AI Models: Learn the art of optimizing and fine-tuning generative AI models using Azure's OpenAI Service. Uncover the nuances of transfer learning, hyperparameter tuning, and model distillation for enhanced performance.

Practice Exams & Simulations: Test your knowledge and readiness with a series of meticulously crafted practice tests mirroring the AI-102 Exam format. Immerse yourself in simulated exam environments to bolster confidence and sharpen your skills.

Real-world Scenarios: Apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios, solving problems, and architecting solutions aligned with industry standards and best practices.

Expert Guidance & Support: Benefit from expert guidance, comprehensive study materials, and a supportive community of learners, ensuring you're fully equipped to tackle the exam's challenges.

Why Choose Us:

Our course doesn't just prepare you for the exam; it equips you to become an adept Azure AI professional. With a structured curriculum, hands-on projects, and a focus on practical skills, you'll emerge ready to harness Azure's AI capabilities to drive innovation and transformation in diverse domains.

Join us and embark on a learning journey that goes beyond certification, empowering you to leverage Azure AI for groundbreaking solutions in today's tech landscape.